Jun 3, 2006

im hot

The weather is so hot these days. Temperatures have reached a sizzling 34 degrees according to my fridge magnet thermometer. I pespire wherever i go. When i read books, when i eat instant noodles, when i drink lychee juice, when i move my leaden fingers to slug out this entry. I guess this is why many "weather" has been listed as a possible cause for migration according to Secondary School Geography.
Hot weather has never been conducive for studying. Your body is a caramel-like glob that can stick all your notes. Your sweat pours forth till it really runneth over and your notes become incomprehensible. It is painful to study and thus, many a times, lesser mortals would have gone to sleep.

Herein lies the problem. The scheming timetable planners(grrr) planned our exams after the holidays! It seems foolhardy not to study. Yet everyday the weather preys on my weak body and even weaker mind that the question is not whether i will stop studying, rather when will i stop.

and my aircon is spoilt! :'(

This is an extract from my current listening song, In Too Deep by Sum 41
The faster we're falling
we're stopping and stalling
we're running in circles again

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